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Helping Canadian Workers Stand Up For Their Rights

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If you are looking for information on your employment rights and want to ensure you are being justly treated, this is the place to start.

Who Needs Help?

Many Canadian workers don’t know their rights at work and don’t know where to get help.

When a problem occurs with their employer they are left alone to fend for themselves. They feel powerless and disrespected and may think their only option is to shut up or look for another job.

Provincial and Federal Legislation intended to keep workers safe and protect their rights can be so convoluted that even experienced labour lawyers find it difficult to understand.

When the appropriate information is found it can be a difficult and stressful task determining what action, if any, one can take if their employer is disregarding employment standards, human rights or safety legislation.

What is is an online outreach project sponsored by CWA/SCA Canada, a modern national labour union. Click here to view video on Union organizing (French version).

We believe that all working people in Canada, whether members of a Union or not, should be treated with fairness, dignity and respect in the workplace.

What’s my first step?

Fill out the Get help form.

Also, don’t forget to check out the rest of our website, which provides the most up-to-date, comprehensive information on Canadian employment rights on the Internet.

You can read our privacy policy here.

Contact Us: 1-877-707-9077 (Toll Free)