2016 John Belcarz and Dan Zeidler post-secondary education/training memorial scholarships.

Dear Local President,

I am pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the John Belcarz and Dan Zeidler post-secondary education/training memorial scholarships. Two scholarships of $1,000 each are available.

The accompanying attachments contain a poster and application form in both English and French (also available on our website: http://www.cwa-scacanada.ca). Please circulate this information to your members.

In solidarity,
Martin O’Hanlon
President, CWA/SCA Canada

Applications in PDF format to download below

Application Français 

English Application

2016 David S. Barr Award


DAVID S. BARR was much more than a lawyer to those privileged to know and work with him. He was the Guild’s mentor, advisor, role model, institutional memory and friend. Before starting his own practice and representing our union and others, Barr was a National Labor Relations Board attorney. He was passionate about justice and fairness and viewed journalists as agents of those virtues. In his name, The NewsGuild-CWA awards annual scholarships to one high school and one college student journalist whose work focuses on issues of social justice. Barr had represented the Guild for more than 20 years when he died of a heart attack in 1997 at the age of 61.


* To inspire a new generation of journalists by recognizing work that contributes to the pursuit of justice and fairness.

* To promote issues of importance to working people.

* To serve as a lasting memorial and tribute to David S. Barr.


All entries must be postmarked by Jan. 31, 2016. 

Only entries published or broadcast between Jan. 1, 2015, and Dec. 31, 2015 are eligible.


Download it HERE.


The contest is open to high school students, including those enrolled in vocational, technical or special education programs; and part-time or full-time college students, including those in community colleges and in graduate programs.

Students who have worked or are working as professional journalists – excluding internships — are not eligible to enter.


High school winner: $1,000

College winner: $1,500


Entries will be judged by a panel of at least three professional journalists.


Each student journalist is limited to one entry.

Entries must be accompanied by a summary of the work being submitted.

One original copy of the entry must be submitted, if it was published in print, along with four photocopies.

For entries published online only, submit five good-quality printouts/copies.

For broadcast entries, submit five copies in digital format (flash drives/DVDs).

The publication date of each entry must be clearly visible.

For all entries, if the work is still available online, please include the link in your summary.

A signed, official application form must be attached to each copy of each entry.

Failure to provide all documents as described will result in ineligibility.

All entries become the property of the David S. Barr Award Committee.


David S. Barr Award

The NewsGuild-CWA

501 Third Street, N.W.

Washington DC  20001-2797


Call us at (202) 434-7177.

Member at large Vacancy




Vote the Issues that Affect You!

Dear fellow CWA Canada members,

We’re less than a month away from the federal election – an election that will be pivotal to us and to our families as working people and as Canadians. It is vital that we all understand the issues in this campaign so that we can make informed choices.

Do we want a government that supports workers, decent pay, good pensions, fair working conditions, and public broadcasting? Or do we want legislation and policies that drive down wages, delay old-age pension, hurt workers, and threaten the very existence of the CBC?

Do we want a Canada where we work for the common good, build each other up, and respect democracy?

As a leader who represents thousands of journalists, I cannot support one political party over another. But that doesn’t mean I must sit idly back when a government, political party or any group threatens journalism, the democratic process, or the economic interest of our members.

Please take a minute to look at the four key issues below of special interest to us all.

Please also take a minute to share with your friends, through social media or otherwise, the importance of electing a government that will strengthen Canada by supporting decent wages, stronger pensions, fair working conditions – and public broadcasting.

All the best,


Martin O’Hanlon

President, CWA/SCA Canada


1) Save the CBC

We have lost 2,000 jobs at the CBC in the last five years. Unless we get a government that will provide adequate funding, the survival of our public broadcaster is in doubt.

That unthinkable prospect would be a huge blow to Canadian culture and it would mean the loss of CBC News, with far fewer journalists to keep an eye on government, politicians and corporate power brokers, and to tell the stories of Canadians. Does anyone think that’s good for democracy? For society? For the economy?

Even the president of the CBC is finally admitting that he should have sounded the alarm earlier. In a speech last week, Hubert Lacroix admitted that “like the proverbial frog put in cold water that is slowly heated, we’ve resisted telling people that we risk being boiled to death.”

Each of the three opposition parties has promised to reverse the $115 million the Conservative government cut from the CBC budget. The Conservatives have not responded to our request for their position.

Here is a link listing each party’s commitment on the CBC:


And here is a link to our Save the CBC campaign webpage:


2) Anti-union Bill C-377

It took two years for the Conservative government to force this fundamentally flawed bill through Parliament. It’s so bad that it was originally defeated in the Senate last year – with the help of some Conservative senators.

The Harper PMO was finally able to ram it through this year, but only after having Tory senators overrule longtime Senate rules.

The Conservatives say Bill C-377, which is a copy of anti-union Republican legislation in the U.S., is about making union finances more transparent. That is a lie. Union finances are already transparent. Our books are audited and any member can see them. But union financial information is for members – not for the public. It’s telling that the bill does not apply to any other member organizations like lawyers and doctors groups.

The bill’s real intent is to tie up unions with red tape and make suck out financial and other information for right-wing propaganda.

It is an intrusive, unfair, unnecessary and ideologically motivated piece of rubbish that will cost taxpayers millions of dollars a year to administer and yield no benefit to society. It is unconstitutional and we will challenge it in court if the Conservatives are re-elected.

The opposition parties have said they will repeal the bill.

For more information:


3) Secret police Bill C-51

Bill C-51 gives the government unprecedented and intrusive new powers, which, in the words of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) “presents disturbing implications for free speech, privacy, the powers of government, including CSIS, and the protection of civil liberties in Canada.”

We strongly support a Charter challenge against Bill C-51 which has been launched by CJFE and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA).

The NDP has said they will repeal the bill; the Liberals have said they will change it.

For more information:


4) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

The TPP is a huge international trade deal being negotiated by the federal government – in secret – with plenty of input from multinational corporations, but nothing from labour leaders, environmentalists and other experts. Even our MPs don’t know what’s in it.

It’s actually far more than a trade deal. It’s a corporate rights deal that would give multinational corporations the power to override Canadian sovereignty by suing governments under secretive trade tribunals — rather than through the courts — if they feel our labour, environmental, health or other standards contravene the TPP and could lead to a loss of profits.

Canada would lose thousands more jobs under the TPP as companies move manufacturing and other jobs to low-wage countries such as Vietnam.

The TPP would have a major impact on Canada, yet almost no one is talking about it. How can there be so little debate – and information – in a democracy about such a huge deal?

Please educate yourself. For more information:

On Facebook, check out: Trade Justice Network

On Twitter, follow: @TradeJusticeNet

On Behalf Of Ottawa and District Labour Council







September 17, 2015

2015 Ottawa Labour Day March and Picnic
In an incredible show of support and unity Ottawa’s labour community and their many friends took part in this year’s annual Labour Day March and Picnic. Leaving Ottawa City Hall to McNabb Park many observered one of the largest March turnouts in memory.  Carrying several messages the walk was led by Unifor members who currently are locked out by their employer at the Ottawa airport.

At McNabb Park over 5000 people participated in a fun filled day.  PIPSC National president Debi Daviau representing the Canadian Labour Congress addressed the gathering on the importance of the upcoming Federal election.  Congratulations to PIPSC NCR for winning the ATU 279 Trophy for best float.

2015 Federal Election
In one of the longest election periods ever held Canadians will go to the polls on October 19th to elect a government.  Stephen Harper and the Conservatives have made no secret of their disdain for unions since first coming to power.  Through back-to-work legislation, anti-union government bills such as C-377 and C-525 and a host of other legislative changes and policies union members and their families have suffered.  Now more than ever union members need to be involved in this election. Casting a ballot and volunteering for a candidate will go a long way ensuring we elect a government who wants to work together with us and not against working people.  Our Political Action and Municipal Affairs Committee has been hard at work and will be providing further information throughout the campaign.  For more info on our issues check out betterchoice.ca

In addition, the Ottawa and District Labour Council and the Canadian Labour Congress are holding canvass nights for NDP candidates in the Ottawa area.  The canvasses take place on Tuesday evenings and commenced September 8th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.  Each Tuesday will see a different riding selected for the canvass.  We will also be holding Saturday canvasses.  For more info contact the Labour Council.

Ottawa Airport Taxis Locked-Out
On August 11th the Ottawa Airport Authority locked out Airport Taxis at the Ottawa International Airport.  The drivers are members of Unifor Local 1688.  The attack against the airport drivers by Coventry Connection continues as the imposed doubling of fees paid by drivers was implemented at the airport without discussion or negotiation.  All of this in addition to UBER illegally operating in our city.  Labour Council reminds our affiliates and friends to support Ottawa’s unionized workforce.

Unifor has requested that anyone flying into the Ottawa airport not use any and all taxis leaving the airport.  The union considers all of these drivers scabs.  Instead you are asked to use the shuttle, OC Transpo, rent a car, have a friend or coworker pick you up.  However, if travelling to the airport from any other area of the city do use BlueLine or Capital taxis.

Canada Post
The loss of door to door mail delivery remains a priority and a Federal election issue not only for CUPW and the broader labour community but for many others.  If talking to candidates or attending all candidate debates as we head towwards October 19th please ask them what their position is on the loss of door to door mail delivery.

Social Media
Don’t forget to follow us on twitter, like us on facebook, see us on on flickr.