Notice to Ottawa Citizen Guild Members

The ONG Citizen Unit Bargaining committee is now receiving a number of inquiries concerning the proposed change to the E-3 / E-4 classifications in the contract.

This change was proposed as a housekeeping change to reflect logical numbering under

the editorial department jobs, E-1 through E-8. The copy editor job has always been a

“higher classification” job than a reporter job, but a change to the grid back in 1997

moved reporters up to E-3 with the Queens Park and Parliamentary reporters.

During the 1997 round of contract bargaining, the copy editor job was the E-4 group,

and the reporter job was in the E-5 group (along with photographers, librarians etc).

There was no percentage increase in the first year of the contract, with everyone

receiving a lump sump payment on ratification, but the reporters were given an extra

$22/week pay increase as part of negotiations and were moved from the E-5 group up

to E-3 with the parliamentary reporters. There was no change to the copy editors who

remained as E-4, but they were still paid at a higher weekly pay rate than the reporters,

and consequently still considered as a higher classification than reporter.

In 2011, the photographers addressed the issue about not being on par with the

reporters. This was reviewed by the union and the company through the Pay Equity

process. The result was that the photographers received pay parity with the reporters.

It was also agreed to move photographers from the E-5 group to the E-3 group and

update the contract at the next round of negotiations, namely 2013.

When the threat of layoffs arose in the summer of 2012, the issue of bumping brought

the numbering anomaly in the contract to the forefront again and many discussions with

the employer took place on this subject. The Guild obtained a legal opinion to clarify –

we asked our labour lawyers specifically about the classifications of reporters and copy

editors in the contract. E-3 is the reporter group, and E-4 is the copy editor group, but

the copy editors have a higher weekly salary . The legal opinion was that the copy

editors are the higher classification. They believe that the lower-paid classifications in

the contract provisions refer to the lower-paid classification, and that the numbering of

the classifications would not govern. That would mean that in the event of layoff, a copy

editor could bump a reporter with lower seniority.

The Guild proposed again for this round of negotiations to switch the E-3 and E-4 groups

to help clear up the issue. The employer also proposed classification and bumping rights

language that states a lower classification is defined as a classification in which the

maximum pay rate listed under Article 6 is lower. As a result both parties agreed that

the Article 6, Editorial grid, should be aligned to reflect the proper listing sequence of

the jobs.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Guild executive committee.


Stay in touch with your Guild and receive updates on topics and developments that

could affect you. If you are not already receiving ONG alerts, please send an email to

Pat Cavalier ( to be added to the list.

Rob Bostelaar, Debbie Cole, Lois Kirkup, Jeff Parks, ONG Bargaining Committee

Ottawa Citizen Unit Info Meeting

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

12 noon

Ottawa Newspaper Guild office

7B – 1050 Baxter Road

(2nd floor – upstairs over Carrier/Totaline)

The ONG Executive Committee and Citizen Unit

Bargaining Committee has scheduled an information

session / Q&A discussion forum for 12 noon on Tuesday,

Oct. 29 at the Guild office for Citizen unit members to

discuss contract bargaining.

Come with your questions and your lunch to the Guild

office (next door to the Citizen at 7B – 1050 Baxter Rd.) to


Update: Guild Members Reject Offer

October 20, 2013
To: Ottawa Citizen Guild Members

Members of the Ottawa Citizen Unit of the Guild voted today on the employer’s settlement offer. A majority of members rejected the company’s proposal.
In an extensive discussion of the contract proposals, members expressed disappointment in the terms of the offer.
We have informed the employer and the conciliator of the results of the vote and will keep you posted on future developments.
Rob Bostelaar, Debbie Cole, Lois Kirkup, Jeff Parks ONG Citizen Unit Bargaining Committee

Update – Attention Guild Members

Ottawa Citizen Unit Meeting & Vote Sunday, October 20, 2013
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Carleton Ballroom – Best Western Bells Corners 1876 Robertson Road, Ottawa
As an update to our October 9 bulletin/meeting notice, this is to advise members that the offer presented to the Guild by the Citizen on October 8 was called a Final Settlement Position. To be clear, this is not a negotiated tentative agreement between the parties.
The Guild did agree to bring the document to the membership for a vote — a vote only to accept or reject the company offer — and that is the vote to be held at the October 20 meeting.
It is important to come to the meeting to go over details of what the offer contains, and to understand exactly where we are in the process.
Rob Bostelaar, Debbie Cole, Lois Kirkup, Jeff Parks ONG Citizen Unit Bargaining Committee

Attention: Ottawa Citizen Guild Members

September 19, 2013

Attention: Ottawa Citizen Guild Members

ONG and the Citizen Bargaining committees met yesterday and

today. With the assistance of a conciliator from the Ministry of

Labour, a number of adjustments were made to proposals on both


We have agreed to meet again on October 8.

There are still outstanding issues that need to be discussed with

our members.

We encourage all members to attend the membership meeting

already scheduled for September 25 th at noon in the conference


If you are unable to attend the membership meeting, members of

the bargaining committee will be at the Guild office from 1 p.m. to

5 p.m. that same day. Please drop by with any questions and


Rob Bostelaar, Debbie Cole, Lois Kirkup, Jeff Parks

ONG Citizen Unit Bargaining Committee

Bargaining Update

To: ONG Citizen Unit Members Date: September 12, 2013

From: ONG Executive Committee Re: Bargaining Update

The ONG bargaining committee will be meeting on September 18 & 19

with Ministry of Labour Conciliation Officer Denise Small and the Citizen

bargaining committee in an attempt to negotiate a collective


Although we have not signed off on any proposals as yet, we do have

agreement in principle with the company on several of their proposals,

and on one of ours. We discussed these in detail at our membership

meeting earlier this summer and they concern our pension, vacation,

pay schedule, layoff language and part-time hours.

We still have proposals outstanding with no agreement in principle, and

many of these are of vital importance to our members. These include

wages, benefits, length of contract and use of freelancers.

We are hoping that during these two days of meetings between the

Guild, The Ottawa Citizen and the conciliator we can reach agreement

on all of the outstanding issues and move forward with a new collective


We will keep you informed of our progress.

Rob Bostelaar, Debbie Cole, Lois Kirkup, Jeff Parks

ONG Citizen Unit Bargaining Committee