CLC/UWCC Post-Secondary Scholarship/ Bourse d’études postsecondaires CTC/CUWC

CLC/UWCC Post-Secondary Scholarship/ Bourse d’études postsecondaires CTC/CUWC

Le français suit

To: Members of the CLC Canadian Council and Young Workers Advisory Committee


The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Young Workers Program and the United Way Centraide Canada (UWCC) are pleased to present the second annual CLC/UWCC Post-Secondary Scholarship.

The CLC and the UWCC are long-time partners in taking action to create prosperous, inclusive, diverse and respectful communities, safer workplaces, and a fairer Canada for working people. Last year, we created a post-secondary scholarship in recognition of the important opportunities college or university education can provide for young people.
Too often, these opportunities are out of reach for working-class people due to ever-increasing tuition fees.

This $2,500 scholarship is offered in recognition of the efforts and commitment of young workers across Canada who have demonstrated a commitment to positively impacting social and workplace issues in their community.

Please circulate this call for applications to help ensure this scholarship is widely shared.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, June 1, 2018.

Please see the application form for eligibility criteria:

In solidarity,

Hassan Yussuff

Link to letter



Destinataires : Membres du Conseil canadien et du Comité consultatif des jeunes travailleurs et travailleuses


Le programme des jeunes travailleurs et travailleuses du Congrès du travail du Canada (CTC) et Centraide United Way Canada (CUWC) sont heureux de présenter pour la deuxième année la bourse d’études postsecondaires CTC/CUWC.

Le CTC et CUWC, en partenariat depuis longue date, prennent des mesures pour créer des communautés prospères, inclusives, diversifiées et respectueuses, des lieux de travail plus sûrs et un Canada plus équitable pour les travailleurs et travailleuses. L’année dernière, nous avons créé une bourse d’études postsecondaires pour reconnaître les débouchés importants qu’offrent aux jeunes les études universitaires. Trop souvent, ces débouchés sont hors de portée pour la classe ouvrière en raison des frais de scolarité qui augmentent continuellement.

Cette bourse d’études de 2 500 $ est remise en reconnaissance des efforts et du dévouement des jeunes travailleurs et travailleuses partout au Canada dont l’engagement s’est répercuté de manière positive sur les questions sociales et relatives au travail dans leur communauté.

Veuillez largement distribuer cette demande de candidatures pour bourse d’études.

La date limite de présentation des candidatures est le 1er juin 2018.

Veuillez lire le formulaire de demande pour connaître les critères d’admissibilité :

Mes sentiments de solidarité,

Le président,

Hassan Yussuff

Lettre officielle

ONG Updated Executive List


Download PDF


CWA Canada Statement on Radio-Canada Court Ruling




Statement by CWA Canada President Martin O’Hanlon on a judge ordering Radio-Canada journalist Marie-Maude Denis to reveal her sources

“It’s frustrating that this sort of thing continues to happen, especially with the passage of federal legislation last year recognizing the right of journalists to protect their sources.
The media is not, nor should it ever be, an arm of the state. As journalists, we must fight any attempt by anyone, especially authorities, to interfere with freedom of the press.
It is vital for free speech and democracy that journalists guard the anonymity of their sources. If not, sources, including whistleblowers, will be far less likely to talk to journalists knowing that they could be identified and punished. The result? Canadians will be blocked from important information and stories about matters of vital public interest.
As a media union, we will speak out loudly to protect freedom of expression and the role of a free press as a pillar of democracy.
And we will support taking this case to the Supreme Court if necessary.”

2018 John Belcarz / Dan Zeidler post-secondary education/training memorial scholarships

Dear Local President,

I am pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the John Belcarz / Dan Zeidler post-secondary education/training memorial scholarships. Two scholarships of $1,000 each are available.

The accompanying attachments contain a poster and application form in English and French (also available on our website: Please circulate this information to your members.

In solidarity,

Martin O’Hanlon
President, CWA Canada

Downloads for print

Poster English              Poster Français            Application English     Application Français


Corus seems intent on stonewalling and breaking the union.




Nov. 23, 2017

Dear CWA Canada members,

Our brothers and sisters at the Canadian Media Guild (CWA Canada Local 30213) have been trying for months to get a fair collective agreement for our members at Corus Entertainment. But Corus seems intent on stonewalling and breaking the union.


Please click on the links below to send a message to Corus:

Click here to share this letter campaign on Facebook.

Click here to share this letter campaign on Twitter.

Or you can send your friends this link:





Martin O’Hanlon

President, CWA Canada

The Media Union

CWA Joe Beirne Foundation’s 2018-2019 Scholarship

November 14, 2017

To: CWA Local Presidents

Dear Colleagues:

This is to inform you that we will be announcing the application process for the CWA Joe Beirne Foundation’s scholarship for the 2018-2019 school year.

Attached you will find a copy of the Beirne Foundation scholarship rules, along with a copy of the poster that can be distributed to members and posted on the local websites.

The Foundation’s Board of Directors has approved the awarding of sixteen (16) partial college scholarships of $4,000 each for two years. Eligible for the scholarships are CWA members, their spouses, children and grandchildren, including the dependents of retired, laid-off, or deceased members. Applications will be available solely online for submission on the Foundation’s website at

Please follow this link at for the poster that you can distribute to members and post on local websites to encourage participation. Full program details can be found on the website at: .

This valuable scholarship program is made possible by the funding of CWA locals. For those locals not yet participating in funding the Beirne scholarships, I urge you to do so. Financial arrangements can be made to accommodate your local’s needs.

For more information and assistance, please call 202.434.1320.

In Unity,

Christopher M. Shelton


cc: Executive Board
CWA National Staff


CWA Canada mourns former leader Arnold Amber


Arnold Amber, a proud, passionate union leader, respected journalist, and fierce defender of free expression, died on Labour Day in a Toronto hospital with family at his bedside. He was 77.

Amber, director of TNG Canada from the time it was created in 1995 until he retired in 2011, shepherded its evolution into CWA Canada, the country’s only all-media union.

He earned many accolades and awards over his lengthy career as a CBC newsman, for his devotion to Canadian and international free expression organizations, as a trainer of journalists in emerging democracies, and for his unflagging dedication to improving conditions for all workers, especially those in media.

CWA Canada President Martin O’Hanlon, who took over from Amber in 2011, called him “a brilliant man who applied himself with equal discipline and passion to journalism, the labour movement, and defending freedom of the press.”

“All of us who knew Arnold will never forget his intelligence and sense of humour. He could be impatient and crusty, but he had a deeply tender and vulnerable side that made you love him.”

“He would have had some wry crack about what it took for him to miss a Labour Day parade; he marched every year. We’ll miss you old friend.”

Bernie Lunzer, president of the NewsGuild, said “Arnold Amber was of labour, and his passion and defence of it went back to the traditions he learned from his grandmother who worked with textile unions in Montreal. He worked hard on behalf of his peers at CBC and later for all the workers in what is now CWA Canada. As a leader he never forgot where he came from. He was truly a man of substance.”

Larry Cohen, former president of the Communications Workers of America, said: “From the first time I met Arnold 20 years ago until the last time I saw him a year ago, Arnold demonstrated a constant commitment to the union and to a progressive world. He never gave up fighting for his life despite debilitating disease and he never stopped fighting to build the movement.”

Amber served as president of the CBC branch of the Canadian Media Guild (CWA Canada Local 30213) through significant periods in the public broadcaster’s history, such as the creation of a single bargaining unit for English-language employees in 2004 and the 50-day lockout the following year.

Prior to joining the CBC, Amber was a Reuters correspondent in Africa and Europe, contributing to leading international newspapers, magazines and broadcasters, as well as working as a media trainer.

In 1994, he led an international team that directed South Africa’s public broadcaster’s coverage of the country’s first democratic elections.

In 2014, the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom presented Amber its Spencer Moore Award for lifetime achievement.

The innovative executive TV producer, who won three Gemini awards for news specials, had a long list of accomplishments. They included:

  • Founder of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. He served as its president for two decades, participating in numerous campaigns in support of journalists in crisis and lobbying for legislation to protect their rights.
  • Helped create the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX), which speaks out whenever media workers are victims of harassment, violence and murder. It’s the world’s largest network of free expression advocates, with more than 80 member organizations.
  • Served for six years on the executive of the International Federation of Journalists. He was a member of the IFJ’s select committee that examined transition issues facing media around the world and in 2010 published Journalism: Unions in Touch with the Future.
  • In 2013, he was presented with the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Social Sciences Outstanding Alumni Award. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Ottawa, followed by a master’s degree in political studies from Queen’s University, where he later taught and contributed to books on African politics and televised election debates.